Devon Delight - Dellie, black roan, Dartmoor Hill Pony, approx 12hh, born 01/07/2012 - available

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Devon Delight -Dellie

Dellie is a black roan Dartmoor Hill Pony, mare, approximately 12 hh, born 1st July, 2012, so still has a few years to grow, should make 12.2 - 13 hh.
She is good to catch, handle, traffic, box.  Used to dogs, cattle and pigs.
Dellie has lovely movement. is very inquisitive, not a spooky pony, not even flinching when I beep the horn to try to get her to move out of the gateway for me to drive through.
She learns quickly, is very willing to please, affectionate, loves to be cuddled.  A friendly, genuine pony.
Dellie will go a long way in the right hands.

Noah's Ark Sou'West offers Dellie for adoption to the right home.  Homes will be vetted and an adoption fee applies.

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