Sweet Surprise - Sweetie, black and white, Dartmoor Hill Pony, approx 11hh, born 29/06/2012, on loan

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Sweet Surprise - Sweetie

Sweetie was born on 29th June, 2012, the daughter of Shrimpy and is expected to grow slightly larger than her 11hh mother.  She is a Dartmoor Hill Pony mare, good to handle, and worm.  Used to dogs, cattle and pigs, although she tends to play chase with some dogs, which could be due to her age and still being very playful :).
She is ready to build a loving relationship prior to being brought into work in a few years.  Sweetie is a skewbald (tri-coloured), in summer and black and white in winter.

Sweetie is on loan to a charity helper.

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