The Telephone Lottery

Would you like the chance to win a cash prize while supporting small Charities for animals at the same time?  If so, why not sign up for our regular prize draw from only £1 per week?
You will be helping small, registered Charities that rescue animals and could become a cash prize winner.

Your details will be held for Gift Aid and lottery purposes only and will not be passed on or sold to anyone else.  You will not be contacted by us unless you give permission or if you are a winner!

To make regular payments for The Telephone Lottery by Standing Order using Internet banking, our details are:
Sort Code: 20-60-88
Account Number: 93333027
£1 per week per entry.  There is no restriction on thenumber of entries.
Please use your telephone number as reference.  If your need to give us any further information please click here.

I cannot emphasize enough that your details will be held for lottery purposes only.  Your details will not be passed on or sold to anyone by this charity.  You will not be contacted by us unless you give permission or if you are a winner.



Your donations will help us to continue to transform animals from this:
(Click any image to enlarge.)

to this: